Kodiak’s Rural Status Under ANILCA Guidelines is Questioned

In 2005, the Federal Subsistence Board made a decision to further analyze Kodiak’s designation as a rural community. This was the first review of Alaska communities’ urban or rural status implemented by the Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act (ANILCA).

The initial determination in 1990 found that Kodiak would remain rural based on "demonstration of significant characteristics of a rural nature." The potential change to an urban designation would have dramatic ramifications for Sun’aq tribal members with strong dependence on customary and traditional uses of subsistence resources. Following public comment and testimonies at the Federal Subsistence hearings in Anchorage, Kodiak maintained its rural status following the December 12-13, 2006 meeting.

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Information sources: 2005-Mar-29 Council Meeting Minutes, October 2005 Tribal Newsletter, Jul 2006 Tribal Newsletter, October 2006 Tribal Newsletter, and 2007-Jan-09 Council Meeting Minutes


The Tribal Name is Officially Changed


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